Kolumb Columbus
Kolumb, Manuel Rosa, Colombo
O Misterio Colombo Revelado - The Columbus Mystery Revealed
O Mistério Colombo Revelado
(The Columbus Mystery Revealed)
Portuguese translation of Unmasking Columbus
640 pages, 1st and only edition in Portuguese.
Released in October 2006
Sold out in 8 months.
No reissue.
Colón La Historia Nunca Contada 
Colón. La Historia Nunca Contada
(Columbus. The Untold Story)
393 pages. 1st Editon November 2009 in Spanish
Reissue October 2010

Colombo Portuguê s- Novas Revelações
Colombo Português - Novas Revelações
(Portuguese Columbus - New Revelations)
380 pages. 1st Edition released April 2009 in Portuguese.
2nd Edition June 2009
3rd Edition on the way
Kolumb Historia Nieznana
Kolumb. Historia Nieznana
Columbus. Unknown History
488 pages. 1st Edition released May 2012 in Polish

The book has been translated into English and seeking a US publisher.

These books present for the first time evidence that the “Official Columbus History” was a monumental fraud, accepted as fact. Even though mysterious and illogical, it was never methodically scrutinized until now. These books are the first to be accepted by the academics as containing evidence that:

  • The Ship Santa Maria never sank off the coast of Haiti it was marooned on purpose.

  •  Columbus always knew he was not in India, he lied when he said he had reached India.

  • Columbus Last Will of 1498 is a forgery created some 80 years after he died.

  • Columbus’s wife was aunt to high nobles including the king’s Lord Chamberlain.

and much more...

Professor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão (Ex-President of the University of Lisbon and President of the Portuguese Academy of History from 1975 to 2006. Professor Serrão affirmed that Mr. Rosa “had made a meticulous study of the life and deeds of Columbus and nothing invalidates the concept that Columbus was truly born in Portugal.

 Prof. Marcel Balla, PhD., says: You are making a great contribution to this history and I am learning a lot from your book. Your work is of great importance and deserves to be read carefully.

Prof. Trevor Hall, PhD., in History from Johns Hopkins University, 1993, writes: I am a professor of History who specializes in 15th and 16th century Portuguese contacts with West Africa. I do Portuguese paleography, and my research supports your conclusions that Columbus was a Portuguese spy for King Joao II (1481-1495).

Prof. Rui Duque, PhD. from Madeira wrote: I must say the book is extensive and very detailed...it is exceptional… I admire the exhaustive work about the kingdom of Portugal in the XV century, the policy of secrecy of the crown in regards to navigation and in regards to other kingdoms, the influence of the military orders, the detailed analyses of Columbus's Portuguese in-laws, etc....

Prof. D. Félix Martínez Llorente, PhD, from University of Valladolid affirmed: The book is an extensive and well-documented work on the still-enigmatic figure of Christopher Columbus, with evocative and notorious contributions that will, with absolute certainty, be talked about for a long time.

Prof. Antonio Vicente, PhD, History Professor at Lisbon University, said: For the first time ever a book was written about Columbus without starting from any preconceived certainties and every piece of the puzzle is explained point by point.

Columbus's New Voyage has begun.  The voyage into the truth of his life.

Christopher Columbus, Kolumb, Cristobal Colon